Connected to your deep essence, your very own personal painting created intuitively by me represents who you are, your uniqueness and your infinite potential.

The process and the finished painting are somehow magical, as the artwork is created from a deep state of connectedness. It brings you the precise vibrational frequencies you need; be it light, joy, confidence, strength, guidance, love, serenity, wonder, appeasement or anything else.


Transcriptions of the Sky

An entirely abstract painting created from intuition. Let my spiritual artist's inspiration flow and do its magic... from a blank canvas to a vibrant artwork which colors match not only your space but even your soul, so what it is you wish to express will be beautifully in a way that corresponds to you fully.

An abstract painting can be made inspired by, connnected to:

  • Yourself (a transcription of your soul)
  • Someone else, as a gift (a transcription of their soul)
  • Yourself together with (a) loved one(s) (a depiction of your bond)
  • You as an entrepreneur (a transcription of your business identity or your entrepreneurs' side)
See examples of my Transcriptions of the Sky

Expressions of the body

An abstract-figurative painting created from intuition. Let my spiritual artist's inspiration flow and do its magic... from a canalised previsualised composition, sometimes captured in a photosession first, representing a person or an animal and then I intuitively fill the canvas with colors and shapes.

A figurative painting can be made inspired by, connnected to:

  • Yourself (an expression of your body)
  • An animal that you cherish
  • You and/or your (totem) animal
  • Yourself together with (a) loved one(s) (a depiction of your bond)

See examples of my Expressions of the Body

Personal requests

You might have skipped a heartbeat at one of my sold original paintings and would love to have one customised for you, shining the same energy, or you have been inspired and have some specific requests that would align with you perfectly and make you the happiest.

Your request may be abstract or figurative, inspired by, connected to:

  • Your home or office
  • A theme that you love or that is important to you
  • Your business place and its people/visitors
  • Anything else that inspires you ✨
See all of my previously created commissions


Contact me to book your very own appealing artwork for your home or work space to move your senses, soothe your soul & uplift your spirit, connecting you to your inner self and to the infinite cosmos.

Only a few availabilities left until summer!

My unique way of creating "connected artworks"

When everything is as the universe intended and I receive a demand for a commission, it is like the gates open up and inspiration comes flowing to me.

I get into this state of connectedness where the inspiration about a specific person, theme or space can arise. It is like asking God “Speak to me, I’m listening” and then feelings, sensations, images, colours and shapes come up and I start to create a composition or I directly start to fill the blank canvas.

While working fully aware and instinctive, I take breaks to look at my work, to sense if it is ‘right’, or if there is something missing in the visuals, in the sensible message to be transmitted. I continue until I have a feeling of total fulfillment.

Then I just know the painting is ready to have the intended impact: to enlighten, to heal, to apease, to empower, to inspire, to connect, etc.


What truly makes me sparkle from within, is the reaction of the person when discovering their painting for the first time. From happy tears to deep recognition, every single time, it moved their soul.

Often we take a moment to discuss, analyse, share what I felt or learned during the creation process and how I see the painting in relation to the person.

After a while, people often come back to me to share how their painting makes them feel, what it adds to their space and how it accompanies them on their life path, something that touches me every time and makes me feel that I really am adding beauty to the world with my art. Thank you!

And so, I'd love to make your connected artwork too!

Commissions come in all sizes and price ranges.

Some guidelines for abstract and/or figurative paintings on stretched canvas:

  • A small format of for example 50x50cm or 30x60 cm would come around 200€
  • A medium format of of for example 100x100cm or 80x120 would come around 1000€
  • A large format of for example 150x150cm or 240x70cm as I once made too, comes around 2500€

For specific demands or dimensions I gladly make a proposal free of obligations and it is good to know that payment in installments is an option too.

In all cases, we discuss all details such as your personal wishes, the dimensions, the price and payment options, the delivery time and potential revisions. It is important to me that all feels totally right for the both of us and that we come to an agreement that makes both of us happy before the works are started. And during the creation process, I love to keep a close contact too and surprise you with the development of your impatiently awaited magic gift to yourself...

Contact me with any questions you may have!