The visual aspect is in my view the first way of communication. As I love to create harmony, a brand should be beautiful yet also impactful and in connection with you, your business and your customer.

Are you curious about my branding offers and asking yourself "what do I get?" keep on reading and imagine the joy you'd feel showing of your very own colors!

"With new clarity about who I am, what I do, and where I'm headed, I dare to step out and show myself. While being accompanied, we co-create a beautiful visual and textual foundation based on 'my feathers' that reflect me and attract my ideal client. From there, I will be able to paint the canvas of my activity and from that on, I will express with confidence and joy what I propose!"

  • The essentials of my marketing
    Coaching, co-creation and independent work to dig into the depths of my marketing. Co-writing of a presentation paragraph and a catchphrase. An enriching process for my confidence as an entrepreneur and the foundation for ALL my communication.

  • My brand board
    My visual palette created in Canva, based on "my marketing essentials" and Isa's artistic intuition. It includes a logo, sublogo, colors, typography, visual elements and mood board. The logo and other visual elements are delivered with a white and transparent background. Image consultancy based on intuition and visual identity on how to present my person, my workplace, my marketing tools, with mood board. The foundation for all my visual communication!

  • My designs
    My business card and a flyer delivered in .pdf for printing, based on "My brand board”. A first step towards the outside!

  • My templates
    My templates created and accessible in Canva, based on "My brand board" to use as a basis for creating visuals myself: post portrait, post square, post landscape, cover image, story/reel cover, flyer.

  • Using my Canva
    Explanations on the use of elements from "My brand board”, different templates, adding branding elements to my account, how and in what format to download, aesthetic advice

  • A coaching session (offered)
    A few weeks later, I benefit from advice and guidance in order to adjust where necessary

The investment for this offer is 1500€ (0% vat)

Knowing how to communicate my offer strategically with the tools that best suit me in order to reach and attract my customers. I show my colors and I know how to highlight them, I show my being with confidence and joy, I "spread my feathers" all the while being accompanied.

  • My strategic plan
    We define my communication strategy together, choose the different online and offline communication channels (social media, Google, newsletter, networking, flyer, prospecting, event concept, etc.), create my action plan.

  • My social media
    My profiles/pages created and completed (profile photo, bio, info) based on "my brand board” on the chosen socials, 3 visuals created for publication (profile image, cover, post, ...)

  • My Community Management
    Co-writing of my communication goals, the editorial planning for the 1st month or overall lines over 3 months to 1 year, explanations and advice on how to publish on the networks
  • A coaching session (offered)
    A few weeks later, I benefit from advice and guidance in order to adjust where necessary

The investment for this offer is 1050€ (0% vat)

Autonomy is as flying out of the nest after having weighed, incubated, given birth to everything about my communication, it is time to take flight, to show myself to the world. Autonomy means an increase in value when I am well guided. I am moving forward as an entrepreneur and developing my business with efficiency and a clear direction!

  • Coaching/consultation/support sessions (1,15h)
    Without commitment : 1 session (75€)
    Quarterly: 3 sessions (210€ or 70€ per session)
    Year-round: 12 sessions (780€ or 65€ per session)


The eyespot is the rounded, two-tone eye on the peacock's feather. Symbolically, showing yourself with all your 'plumage' requires lots of eyespots! I choose the eyespots that suit me to have my personalised offer made :

  • Essentials of my marketing
  • Strategic marketing & action plan
  • Brand board
  • Social media
  • Community management
  • Portrait photography
  • Branding photography
  • Presentation website
  • Event communication and organisation
  • Visuals for printing or publication
  • Layout and design of documents, presentations, books, ...
  • Proofreading of texts, English translations

The fees for these eyespots are available on demand and can be combined into a personalised offer.

Which will you choose for yourself? Contact me to have your personalised offer!

Intuitive painging in connection with the person or a theme, a couple, an animal, a place, a specific request... It is powerful serenity through deep contemporary art; sensitive paintings created from a state of connection that are both strong and soft, with vibrant colors, often fluid and sometimes geometric shapes, and a touch of mystique.

  • My abstract painting
    The artist intuitively connects to ME and creates for me my unique work of art. Like a transcription of the soul, it is the reflection of my inner being which transmits to me what I desire, what I need and which harmonizes with the environment where I install it.

  • My figurative painting
    Also a work intuitively connected to ME (or to us, or to a loved one) but in the form of a portrait. A posture, a composition, colors, a look, a feeling visualized intuitively by the artist. A canvas that highlights me, perfectly harmonized and harmonizing with myself and others.

  • My 'visual identity' painting (personal branding)
    A painting for me as an entrepreneur which reflects my personality, my activity and which speaks to my network ! It is in harmony with my visual identity (brand board) and can even be the basis, used as a logo or key image in my communication.